Tuesday, 13 June 2017

Follow up questionnaire n.9

Here we are with the ninth follow up questionnaire (the last of our project) designed by the Italian school, Francesco Ferrara in order to assess the correct development of our project.
Click here to download the file

Wednesday, 7 June 2017

Transnational project meeting at Beius, Romania. Agreements and conclusions.

This is the summary of the most important agreements we reached and the conclusions we got after several meetings, celebrated in Beius (Romania, May 2017) as part of the Erasmus + project What's new on the news?, which we are carrying out.
Below, you can find the link to the PDF document where the agreements are explained.

Agreements and conclusions reached at Beius.

Friday, 26 May 2017

Sunday, 14 May 2017


Own language questionnaire- 3rd year-2nd semester

‘‘Eurovision 2017: Ucraina riscă excluderea din competiţie dacă nu va permite Rusiei să participe’’- the 31st of March 2017- www.digi24.ro

Sursa : http://www.digi24.ro/stiri/externe/eurovision-2017-ucraina-risca-excluderea-din-competitie-daca-nu-va-permite-rusiei-sa-participe-698143

1.       Ce este Eurovision?  0.5p
2.       Unde a fost găzduită ediţia din 2016 a competiţiei? 0.5p
3.       Cine a câştigat în anul 2016 şi care este numele cântecului? 0.5p
4.       Câte ţări vor participa anul acesta la Eurovision ? 0.5p
5.       Unde şi când se va desfăşura această competiţie în anul 2017? 0.5p
6.       Pe fondul cărui conflict se va dasfăşura această competiţie în acest an? Descrieţi situaţia în 3 rânduri. 1p
7.       Ce restricţii a impus Ucraina din cauza acestui conflict? 1p
8.       Ce părere aveţi despre decizia Ucrainei? Justificaţi-vă răspunsul! 1p
9.       Ce sancţiuni riscă Ucraina în cazul în care nu se va ajunge la o soluţie? 1p
10.   România are dreptul de a participa la această ediţie a Eurovision ? Dacă da, care este numele artiştilor care ne vor reprezenta ? Care este numele cântecului? 0.5p
11.   România nu a avut dreptul de a participa la ediţia din 2016 a Eurovision. De ce ? Consideraţi că a fost dreaptă o astfel de decizie ? 1p
12.   Daţi exemple de artişti care s-au lansat în urma participării la Eurovision. 0.5p
13.   Consideraţi că această competiţie muzicală reprezintă o rampă de lansare pentru artişti ? Justificati-vă răspunsul ! 1p

14.   Numiţi un cântec sau un artist pe care l-aţi remarcat la una dintre ediţiile Eurovision. 0.5p

Thursday, 20 April 2017

Transnational project meeting at Bierun 2 (February 2017). Agreements reached.

This is the summary of the most important agreements we reached and the conclusions we got after several meetings, celebrated in Bierun (Poland, February 2017) as part of the Erasmus + project What's new on the news?, which we are carrying out.
Below, you can find the link to the PDF document where the agreements are explained.

Agreements reached in Bierun.

Wednesday, 19 April 2017

Tuesday, 4 April 2017

Listening comprehension activity in English

These are two different listening activities designed by the Italian school  IISS  Francesco Ferrara about the Brexit  in order to test the end-of-year students understanding of some pieces of oral news.
In this occasion, we've designed two different tests and questionnaires so that each school chooses the one which fits the level of its students best.

Audio n.2


Monday, 3 April 2017

Friday, 10 March 2017

The eighth follow up questionnaire

Here we are with the eighth follow up questionnaire (the second of the third year) designed by the Italian school, Francesco Ferrara in order to assess the correct development of our project.

Reading comprehension activity in Polish - Ukraine's conflict with Russia

In the link below you can find the text about Ukraine's conflict with Russia and the questionnaire

The text in Polish